The first time I got out of jury duty was because the defendant's council asked if we had any political bumper stickers on our cars. That's when I knew for sure I'd be out of there. My reply when asked, "Yes. An Obama/ Biden 2008 sticker." I was dismissed. So was a woman who had a ranbow flag with "Equality" on it!
The second time was worse. It was a four-month murder trial and the judge wanted me to put my kids in day care ALL summer. I had no job. Who was gonna pay for that? I had to fill out a 20-page questionnaire asking me if I followed any high-profile murder cases, what TV shows I watched and what radio staions I listened to. Oh, yeah, I followed OJ SImpson (especially since I was living in LA then), the Scott Peterson trial...and yes, I did think they were all guilty. TV Shows? I thought of every law and police show I can think of. Hooray for me; I was dismissed!
Oh, And the suspect pleaded gulity to kiling his girlfriend and making it look like suicide. (Hanging in the shower.)