When I was working for Clairol as a color educator, my boss (a high school dropout, but we all had to be college gradutates) wanted me to work with him during the time I had planned a 3-day vacation, or I'd lose those days, even though I had written to him about my vacation days. He was just being a complete A-hole. SO, while I was on the phone with him, I told him I was going anyway. He was yelling and carrying on. I placed the phone down on the desk (I didn't hang up) and went and showered. He thought I was being insubordinate. I quit, because he was such a misogynistic a-hole. I got a wonderful letter from the President of Clairol apologizing that he never should have been employed in the first place and he was sorry to see me go. I was one the the top ten color educators in the country.
A year later, my ex-boss was finally fired.